The sleep obsession: What new parents do to get more zzz's for baby...and themselves

The Today Show followed new parents as they took their baby home from the hospital and examined what kind of sleep they were getting to look at how people can utilize sleep consultants for help. ““It rules your whole life,” Anthony said. “I never had any time with my husband. We never watched a movie or anything because I always had to go to bed almost when my husband got home to prepare for a night of waking up.”

As luck would have it, at 14 months, Anthony sat next to a fellow plane passenger who described how her toddler snoozes a full 12 hours every night. The woman credited a California-based sleep consultant, Vivian Sonnenberg, who trains more than 300 babies a year and charges parents about $600 per package. According to Anthony, after several phone calls with Sonnenberg and tweaking a “few things” like his nap schedule, within three days, William was also sleeping 12 hours. “